Wednesday, August 4, 2010

I don't even eat eggs.

Yet I'm completely obsessed with collecting them everyday. I thought I'd get over the excitement but now that all four of my girls are laying, I pop into their coop several times a day (poor chickens) to see if they've left us anything.

I check on them first thing in the morning and I either find this:

or this:

Poor Flo. She's the only chicken that sits in the nesting box sideways and always looks so awkward in there. Anyhow, once I collect the eggs, I put them in a little bowl on the counter until I have enough to wash. To wash or not to wash fresh eggs is the big debate with chicken owners. I'm a washer.

Then I take them and arrange them so I can take pretty pictures. I seriously need to get a life, right? I don't really do this that often...just once in a while ;)

Then I give them a little wash, stick them in the carton, and put them in the fridge. Fresh eggs can stay out for quite a while but since I live in the desert and it's ridiculously hot, I refridgerate them after a few days.

We are getting four eggs a day and I don't even eat them. The only time I eat eggs is if they are scrambled into a savory fried rice or in the breakfast quesadilla from Liberty Market. I've promised myself that I will try to be more open to giving them a try. We'll see.

One last note...I promise that this is not going to be just a chicken blog. I'll post about the girls only occasionally once the novelty of this whole chicken/egg thing wears off. I guess there's a chance that it won't wear off and I'll become a crazy chicken lady which is entirely possible. Let's hope not. Right now though, I'm absolutely loving it and you are all stuck reading about it.


  1. The eggs are so pretty! I think I'd be a little wary about eating them too. And I'll still love you even if you become that crazy chicken blogger!

  2. Aww thanks, Sara! That means a lot considering I'm pretty sure you're my most loyal reader ;)

  3. I gotta agree with Sara. We'll all love and accept you just the same if you become a crazy chicken lady...even though we secretly know you already are one. ;) I totally dig it though! In fact, I'm jealous!

  4. You really don't like eggs? Neither does Leo. William however, needs his own chicken for all the eggs he eats! We'll totally buy eggs from you if you end up with an overload...

  5. I really don't, Erica. The texture totally throws me off. Fortunately, my mom and Jason like them and the boys like them on certain days ;) We always have a little extra and you can be sure I'll pass them on to you (for free silly).

  6. You are too cute! If I had eggs that were pretty colors I would take pictures of them too! =)

    What do you wash the eggs with? I rinse them with water, but I know some people don't so anything? I think I am a washer too. It think about the whole process too much to be a non washer. lol

  7. LOL, Maryann! I just rinse them in water approximately 10 degrees warmer than the eggs. Occasionally if they're a little dirty, I'll fill up a sink with water, put in a tablespoon or two of bleach and dip them in.

  8. Seriously! Four eggs per day? I'm getting chickens... (And washing!)

    If I lived closer, I would borrow eggs for this project. Since I don't - will you experiment someday and report back to the crazy chicken lady blog?

  9. I love reading about your chickens...but mostly I just love reading anything you write. Good stuff lady!
