Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Super Simple Play Dough

Although play dough recipes have been around forever, I recently discovered how easy it is to make and am constantly whipping up new batches in cool colors for the boys. Just in case you live under a rock like I do and don't know how easy it is, I thought I'd share the recipe.

1 cup white flour
1/2 cup salt
2 tablespoons cream of tartar
1 tablespoon oil
1 cup water
food coloring

Put the first four ingredients in a sauce pan (it's good to have a cute little helper for this part). Add the water and mix well. Add your food coloring and mix. Place the saucepan on the stove over medium heat. Stir for 3-5 minutes until the play dough forms a clump. I know it's done when there are no wet/shiny spots left on the dough. Set it on the counter to cool. Once it's cooled enough to handle it, knead it for a minute or so until it's nice and smooth. (I usually make up two pans of at a time so we can have two different colors). You can store the play dough in ziploc bags or tupperware.

Voila! At least a good hour of entertainment for your kiddos! (You're welcome).

Clearly, Oliver *really* gets into the play dough.


  1. I LOVE the smell of homemade play dough. Is that weird? LOL Such a cute helper there and love the colors you did!

  2. Not weird at all - I love it too!! Oliver loves it so much he's constantly trying to eat it. ;)

  3. I am so making this today. FYI...I've lived under a rock too so thanks for this lol!

  4. You're welcome, Neens! It will keep the kiddos occupied while you guys try to get settled.

  5. Just wanted you to know I linked to your blog in mine! love ya!
