Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Easter gone bad

The boys woke up at the crack of dawn on Easter to see what the bunny brought them. They were stoked to find the little Batman LEGO sets that they had been wanting. We got them ready, headed to church and as soon as we got out of the car, Oliver had a really bad coughing fit so we turned around and came home. We gave him a breathing treatment and he seemed to be fine, if a little tired.

He perked right up when the cousins, aunts, and uncles all arrived. You'd never know that he hadn't been feeling well that morning.

He ran around, wrestled, collected a gillion eggs, and loaded up on a bit of candy. He started to slow down again once everyone left and I could tell that he was starting to wheeze a little.

He didn't want to eat dinner that night and went to lay down on the couch. I could tell that his breathing was getting worse so I gave him another breathing treatment. It didn't help at all so an hour or so later we took him to Urgent Care. When the doctor finally saw him, she called an ambulance to take him to Cardon's Children's Hospital as he was in "severe respiratory distress." It came on so fast! Scary, scary stuff. Poor little guy was barely able to breathe and was such a trooper. 

After boat loads of breathing treatments, oxygen, steroids, and an epi shot, Oliver's breathing improved tremendously. In fact, he was so hopped up on the treatments and steroids that he was bouncing off the walls at the hospital. I have never seen that kid move so much or talk so fast (and that's saying a lot). Thank goodness for our handy little travel LEGO box (Jason ran home to get a few things and wisely brought it along).

I was too freaked out to get any pictures of his ambulance ride but here are a few where he's feeling much better and itching to go home.

This whole asthma thing is new to Oliver. It came on fast and he's already had three pretty severe attacks in the last few weeks. We met with his pediatrician yesterday and will follow up with an allergist tomorrow. Hoping we can get some answers and figure out what might be triggering the attacks so we can avoid them in the future.

I hope you all had a far less eventful Sunday than us.


  1. Oh no :( I'm glad he's feeling better and hope you all find the cause! We've had the exact same experience with Parker (for allergic croup - from cats) with going to Urgent care and being transported to the hospital. Steroids make mine super hyper and crazy too!

    Hope you all get some rest!

  2. Oh how scary. Glad he's okay. :(

  3. Too scary! So sorry you've all had to go through that. Hope it improves soon!

  4. Glad he's feeling better. Sorry your Easter ended that way. My 5 year old has had a few bad attacks this spring and we've started on additional meds that seem to be helping. It is so scary when they can't catch their breath

  5. grace, how scary! so glad he's feeling better now. i hope you get some answers fast! sorry your easter was so 'eventful'.

  6. Poor little guy! My siblings all have severe asthma. I remember how scary it is when they stop breathing and nothing works. My brother even ended up in a hyperbaric chamber a few times. The good thing is that as they got older it wasn't as bad. I hope thats the case with your little guy.

  7. Glad he is doing better. My son Luke just took his first ambulance ride to cardon childrens last month too, so I know how you feel taking that ride.. I was impressed with Banners hospital though.. I have worked for them for 15 years in their corporate office and they wanted to send my son to phoenix childrens and I asked if we could go to cardon since it is closer and I work for them.. scary stuff..

  8. Thanks, all!

    @Shonie, I had asthma as a kid and I grew out of it so we're crossing fingers it's the same for Oliver.

    @Luke and Hailie Girl, small world that you work for Banner corporate. We've been to the ER twice now at Cardon and have been impressed both times. I hope your son was okay!

  9. Oh Grace how scary :( reading your words made me feel your worry and made my heart hurt for Oliver. I hope you guys get some answers, how frightening that must of been for you and Jason. BTW the photo of Jason holding Oliver is gut wrenchingly powerful...I see Jason's heart on hid sleeve I tell you! Hope the kiddo is feeling better and I hope things only get better. Hugs Sweets!

  10. You're so sweet, Neens. It was pretty scary but he bounced back so quickly. He's still wheezing a lot but that should improve soon too. Love you!

  11. So, so, so glad that Ov is feeling better. :( What a horrible thing for you all to go through, and on Easter nonetheless!!! Give him big hugs until we see him and tell him to try not to scare his mama like that again! xoxo

  12. So scary! Glad he was taken care of though!

  13. My husband and his dad both have asthma, and can be scary. My husband's asthma was a lot worse when he was younger than it is now. He has stories a lot like your Easter story. The good news, though, is that it is manageable! Allergies play a big part in it. Pet dander, dust, etc really bother my husband, so even though we have a dog with minimal dander, we try to keep the house really clean of those irritants and that helps A LOT. Hope you all get it all figured out, and I'm glad he's feeling better!

  14. Thanks, girls!

    @erin, we have an appointment to have Oliver tested for allergies next week. I always thought that allergies manifested in the form of hay fever, sniffles, etc. I never realized that they could trigger asthma attacks. I almost hope it is an allergy of some sort so that we can manage it like you mentioned. Thank you for your kind words.

  15. Grace~
    I am so sorry to hear both your precious boys have made visits to the ER lately. So glad they are both ok. Lots of Love to y'all...

