Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Camping at Big Lake

This past weekend we took the boys camping up at Big Lake (near Eagar, AZ). This is one of the few areas of Arizona I've yet to visit and I was absolutely blown away at the beauty. If you've never been to Arizona or you've just stuck to the Phoenix area, you might not know that there are rich, green pine forests and rolling meadows covering a lot of the state. Although I love the raw beauty of the desert, it's nice to escape (especially when it's 110+ degrees).

I grew up camping and used to be able to hang with the best of them but since I've gotten older, I've learned that I appreciate a few camping "luxuries" like flush toilets and showers. I did my research and found the perfect campground for us - Apache Trout Campground right next to Big Lake. Gorgeous. As soon as we arrived, the boys dove right in and started exploring.

Sticks and dirt. Life doesn't get much better for Oliver.

Once we got settled, we headed down to the lake to check it out. We could have stayed there for hours but it was getting super cold so we headed back for dinner.

Unfortunately, I decided it would be a really fun idea to come down with strep throat after a five hour drive to go camping so we had to cut our trip short after just one night. I did manage to pump enough ibuprofen so we could spend the next morning exploring roads to nowhere, giant skies and giant clouds before we headed home.

Thankfully, I am on the mend and looking forward to another adventure this weekend. More on that soon. I hope you are all staying healthy and enjoying summer!


  1. So awesome, Grace!! Well, except for the strep throat business!! Booo on that! :( What amazing photos--totally makes me want to go there. You should send them to the AZ Board of Tourism. :) Glad you are on the mend and can't wait to hear about your next adventure!

  2. Looks so beautiful. We are thinking of taking our boys camping too. Your pics inspire me to go for it. Just hate the thought of midnight walks to the bathroom!

  3. oh my wow, amazing pictures of your trip Grace!! Si beatutiful. Sorry you got sick, and hope you are feeling better soon!

  4. Thank you, Laura and Jenni. I am feeling SO much better! Who the heck gets strep in the summertime!? Me.

    @colleen, you guys should do it! It's a lot of work camping with little ones (heck, it's a lot of work camping without them) but the memories are so worth it. And you are so right - I spent the entire night awake because I had to pee so bad but was scared out of my mind to walk to the bathroom. ;)

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