Monday, May 7, 2012

A Bit Quiet...

Things have been and will continue to be a bit quiet here on the blog for the next week or so. We spent the past few days building a pallet headboard (I thought it would be easy - so wrong) and working on our room and now I get to spend the week preparing for a super FUN project. This project promises tons of visual eye candy and amazing tutorials for you all...stay tuned. Regular blogging will commence soon.

{Here's a little peek at the bed. I'll share more when we've finished the rest of the room}


  1. It looks great! We did the same thing a couple of years ago and we still adore it. Although I have to be honest, since we're in Arizona I do have the occasional anxiety attack that a million scorpions have taken up residence in the pallet wall and that they are just waiting to fall on me when I'm asleep. Still, it's totally worth it :)

  2. That is so funny that you mention scorpions, Holly. I had the exact same fear so the headboard is actually mounted a couple of inches off of the wall with long bolts. It made the project a lot harder and I drove my husband crazy but there is no way I want one of those nasty suckers near my bed! ;)

  3. Oooh...LOVE IT!!! Can't wait to see it in person!!!

  4. Thanks, Laura. Once we get the last few details finalized, I'll actually leave my door open when you come over. ;)
