Monday, May 14, 2012

Weekend Wine Getaway

This past weekend Jason and I took a quick weekend trip up to the Verde Valley in Arizona to celebrate our 15th anniversary. We spent most of our time exploring some of Arizona's wineries and tasting rooms. Grapes grow surprisingly well in certain regions of Arizona and there are some amazing wines being produced here. No joke.

We started off at Arizona Stronghold Vineyard's tasting room in the little town of Cottonwood. I can't recommend this place highly enough. Great wines, super friendly and knowledgeable staff, and a laid back, relaxing atmosphere. 

We followed that up with some shopping, a boat load of food, and more wine tasting at Pillsbury Wine Company. The next morning we headed out to Page Springs Cellars for a Build a Blend class taught by winemaker Eric Glomski (what a treat!). As soon as we arrived at the vineyard, I knew I'd never want to leave. So peaceful and beautiful.

We arrived early so Jason had time to explore, make friends with the staff, and check out the irrigation. He was in heaven. I'm surprised he didn't ask for a job.

The class was a blast - we enjoyed playing "winemakers" for the morning. I really had no clue what I was doing but I have to say, I totally rocked my blends (most of them, at least).

Eric Glomski himself mixing my blend. So cool.

We had a great time exploring the Verde Valley Wine Trail and are looking forward to our next visit. Local friends, if you haven't made the quick trip up there yet, do it soon! You won't be disappointed.

Page Springs Cellars
Arizona Stronghold Vineyards 
Pillsbury Wine Company


  1. My cousin owns a bakery in Cottonwood and I'm hoping to go up sometime soon to tour the wineries too. Happy anniversary!

  2. You guys will love it, Kara. Does your cousin own the Orion Bread Company? If so, bring me back a dozen cinnamon things ever! ;)

  3. Yep! I haven't had their cinnamon rolls since I'm allergic but I have heard they're delicious!

  4. Bummer for you :( We brought home a few loaves of bread and they were equally as good. Your cousin's bakery rocks.

  5. Yeah, their bread is amazing! Glad you enjoyed their bakery.

  6. Lovely post! Your pictures from our Tasting Room/vineyard and of Arizona Stronghold are beautiful! Please come visit us again soon!

    Also, hope you don't mind we shared your post on our Facebook page, we just had to share the photos! Cheers!

  7. This is fantastic! Great photos! - Brennan in Vermont

  8. @Page Springs, thanks so much for sharing! We had a great visit and look forward to seeing you all again soon.

    @brennan, thank you! Cheers!

  9. Oh my goodness!!! This looks like it was sooo much fun! LOVE the photos! Glad you all enjoyed yourselves. :)

  10. Thanks, Laura! We should plan a day trip up there soon. You'd love it!

  11. I found you through Pinterest and those amazing chevron baby onesies...but I stayed for the great photography and funny posts that I am sure aren't meant to be rip roaring funny but just are...hey your husband looks like Johnny people tell him that all the time? I am sure his personality isn't a "jackass' but he looks like that guy...I literally did a double take.

  12. @kelly, glad you stopped by! We haven't heard the Johnny Knoxville reference before but he does get a "young Mel Gibson" all the time. I definitely married up! ;)
