Monday, July 30, 2012

Backyard Olympics

We had our second annual (is it annual if it's every four years?) backyard Olympics yesterday and it was a blast. My mom spends hours organizing this event and pulls out all the stops. We were assigned our teams a few weeks ago so we had time to properly prepare.

I was selected to be the captain for Team USA and my number one priority was getting our team uniforms together. You know what they say, "It's not whether you win or lose, it's how awesome you look doing it." I whipped up the tees and actually had to fabric paint the socks. Who knew that the striped tube socks of our younger years would be so freakin' expensive now!? I blame the hipsters.

We had four teams representing in our Olympics: USA, Great Britain, France, and China.

The events ranged from shot put, shooting, diving, relays, etc. (These terms are all used very loosely).

Look at Jason's form!

Despite the storm that blew in in true British fashion, it was crazy hot so we moved on in for some diving and shooting.

We finished the games off with anthems, medals, and Cornish pasties. 

Yes, we are big dorks. And yes, we totally embrace it. Looking forward to our games in 2016!


  1. That is so awesome! It looks like a total blast!!!!! I love that picture of Oliver stepping on the balloon. His shoes are so blue and it's like he's frozen in time. Classic. And that picture of Jason is off the charts. Just hilarious.

  2. It was so fun, Erica! Hot as hell but totally fun. I hope you guys are doing well! :)

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