Sunday, July 22, 2012

My New Friend

I went to LA last weekend for an architectural photography workshop and came home with this little (big) guy. Meet Johnny.

Johnny is a 7 month old doberman who was rescued from a high kill shelter a few weeks ago. He had pneumonia, a severely deformed leg, and some battle scars including a hole in his ear. My best friend who is out to save the world one dog at a time, had been fostering him through an amazing rescue the past few weeks following his rescue. She knew that we were looking to adopt a new dog for our family after we had to put my mom's dear old dog down a couple of months ago and suggested that Johnny (a.k.a. Brownie/Dobie) would be a perfect fit.

While he was being fostered, he had his leg amputated. It's only been three weeks and he is getting along like a champ. I'm absolutely amazed at how gentle and trusting he is considering what he's been through in his short little life. He's only been with us for a week now and we are all absolutely smitten with him.

Johnny is a super snuggly guy and the boys and Sodapop can't get enough of him. Sodapop was particularly depressed over the loss of her dear friend so Johnny has been a welcome addition for her.

I am so grateful to West Coast Animal Rescue for saving sweet Johnny from certain euthanization. Dozens of people donated to help Johnny on the road to recovery including my amazing BFF and we are so incredibly thankful. This guy is such a gift to us and we promise to give him the life he deserves.

{A missing leg definitely isn't slowing this guy down}


  1. IN LOVE with Johnny, you and your friend! Ahh, I haven't cried that hard in a while! Lol.

  2. Oh, sweet, sweet Johnny!! He IS a true gift and couldn't have come into a better forever family! I can't wait to hand with the little guy. What a doll!

  3. Thanks, you two! This dog is just plain amazing. SO thrilled to have him as our new addition.

  4. So sweet! It's amazing how well a dog can adapt!

  5. Grace - You are such a good soul - I admire you in so many ways. One day we will meet!

    stephanie (figments of a mom, remember me? :-) )

  6. Welcome home Johnny~what an amazing new addition to your family!

  7. This is amazing! As an avid dog lover it's so wonderful to see your photos and hear Johnny's story!

  8. Thanks @M and @design! This guy has been with us for nearly two months now and I am so head over heels. He such an amazing addition to our family.
