What's Growing in our Garden

Monday, June 14, 2010
One of the bright sides to summer in the desert is that our vegetable garden and our fruit trees are absolutely thriving! I can't take credit for the success of the plants as my husband and mom do most of the gardening (although I do water from time to time ;). Currently in our garden we're growing corn, peppers, various herbs, watermelon, zucchini, tomatoes, and peppers.

One of my fabulous garden markers from Monkeys Always Look



We hung up these CD's to keep the birds from eating the veggies. It seems to work well as we haven't had any problems since they've been hung.

Almonds on our almond tree




In addition to the delicious fruits and veggies, we should have fresh eggs very soon! My girls have been spending a lot of time in their nesting boxes lately and they are about the age to start laying. I can't wait! We are totally on egg watch over here. I'm hoping that the summer heat won't decrease their production too much. To keep them comfortable during our hot afternoons, we turn on a little portable mister for them and they hang out under it for hours. We spoil our girls in the hopes that they'll spoil us in return.

And I have to include a recent shot of my favorite chicken, Effie. Her fluffy cheeks have filled out to a full on beard. She is totally awkward but definitely affectionate and loving.

Even though my boys aren't crazy about the veggies we grow, they are crazy about their popsicles.


Anonymous said...

The garden looks GREAT Grace!!! WOW! ♥

Robin Norgren, M.A, R-YT, Spiritual Director said...

I agree with Erica-you guys really do the farm up right!

Kellye said...

Will you adopt me Grace? I mean I come with a crazy Jack Russell Mix and two equally rambunctious wild things, and then there's the hubby too, but they don't take up much space!


sara said...

I don't think it's possible for me to be more jealous of that amazing garden. It really makes me want to plant one. I just can't bring myself to be responsible for that many veggie deaths. I am the ultimate black thumb. Also that watermelon may be the cutest things I've ever seen...it's so tiny!

Ally said...

I want to live there! That garden is kick-butt!


Laura said...

Oh, Grace, the bounty of yummy food that you are growing is just awe-inducing!!!

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